Inter Caste Marriage: One POSITIVE Step

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I Salute Indian Women

This is a poem by my Friend Pradeep.

His orkut Profile

Very accurate description of what is happening in India.

I Salute Indian Women


If she is lucky & not killed soon after birth,

If she is lucky to see her 15th B’day,

(Of the 12 million girls born in India, 3 million do not see their fifteenth birthday!)

If she is lucky & not married before reaching puberty,

If she’s lucky; not trafficked & thrown into brothels,

If she’s lucky & not married to an ugly, old man with a daughter her age,

If she’s lucky & not raped every single day by impotent mother fuckers,

If she’s lucky & not asked to quit school in 5th grade,

If she’s lucky & not teased, harassed, molested by beasts who think she’s a sex toy,

If she’s lucky & not judged “characterless” by family & society for every single act,

If she’s lucky & not assaulted by her jilted lover,

If she’s lucky & not have to pay dowry for staying alive at her in laws place,

If she’s lucky she will have equal rights to that of men,

If she’s lucky she will be taken seriously.

I salute Indian Women!

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